History of the Tamiya-ryu

The history of the Tamiya-ryu begins about 450 years ago.

Tamiya is the famous samurai family name. Ryu means style.

Showing off the techniques of the Tamiya style to the 3rd shogun IEMITSU TOKUGAWA, the Tamiya style became even more famous and a dojo (school) of the Tamiya school was built in 95% of Japan’s castles.

Tamiya also taught the samurai techniques of  the shogun family.

Since the samurai technique of the Tamiya school was beautiful and strong, it was called′ beautiful Tamiya or′ High rank Tamiya′  by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, the first shogun of the Tokugawa family.

Tamiya school is a samurai technique teacher of Iemitsu Tokugawa, the third shogun of Tokugawa family.

Tamiya is a samurai technique teacher for Tokugawa Yoshimune, the shogun of the Tokugawa family’s and a bodyguard for the shogun and his family.

The Shogun is the highest position that can command all the samurai. 

Originally, ninja and samurai were the same.

Ninja was originally a samurai.

kouga ninja is a group of samurai called Kougashu.

Iga Ninja is a group of samurai called Igamono.

There are two groups of ninja, one is called Iga ninja and the other is called Kouga ninja.

Samurai called Ninja were low ranking samurai called Jizamurai.

Samurai called ninja lived in the valley between mountains and spied on other groups, so they come to be called Shinobi no mono.

Hereafter, people called Shinobi no mono were called Ninja.